Australian Fashion Week
The past week has been a rollercoaster for the team behind the Kerrin label. Last Thursday, we learned that we would be locked down in Melbourne and prevented from being at Afterpay Australian Fashion Week in person for our exhibiting opportunity at The Suites: AAFW’s onsite trade showrooms.
We were down but not out. After more than a year of production knocks and effective hibernation brought about by the worldwide pandemic, the invitation that had come earlier this year, to exhibit at AAFW, had been all the impetus we had needed to kickstart a new round of Australian-made production to add to our rolling collection.
Under normal circumstances, a designer has to be invited to exhibit at AAFW, and pay for the privilege to do so. But, this year, given the financial impact Covid-19 has had on many designers, main sponsor Afterpay has covered all exhibiting costs. The stars were finally aligning for us to regain the momentum we’d needed, and to get an opportunity to meet with key industry people at such an important event.
Melbourne’s fourth lockdown threatened to kill that renewed momentum. When it became clear that we couldn’t attend AAFW in person, long-time friend, award-winning cinematographer and surf film producer Tim Bonython (follow Tim on instagram here) and his enchanting French wife and business partner, Sandrine, agreed to step in to represent the Kerrin label at The Suites.
The Kerrin gear was carefully packaged up yesterday in Melbourne and transported overnight to Carriageworks, the hub of all AAFW events in Sydney.
What a journey so far! If you’re at Australian Fashion Week on Thursday or Friday, please drop by the Kerrin suite to see the gear that is currently available online at as well as key Australian-made pieces that are in the pipeline. You can talk to the Kerrin team virtually, and even if you just want to chat big waves with Tim, we’re just pleased to be hanging out at Afterpay Australian Fashion Week.
You can track how the Kerrin team gets on at #AAFW by keeping an eye on our instagram feed

Kerrin co makes it to Australian Fashion Week despite Melbourne's lockdown.